Human Freaking Resources - August 2023 HR Carnival

In the midst of the carnage we call 2020, I was out of a job, out of money, and out of HR. I picked up a job as a bar manager thanks to my old bartending roots, and I was wildly depressed going through month after month of failed interviews. HR was and will always be my first love, and being out of the industry during a time where remarkable HR was needed started to break me.

It was then an HR giant, Tracie Sponenberg, read a blog post of mine and reached out on LinkedIn. Tracie was (and is) this badass CPO with a heart for true DEI work and building communities. Tracie invited me into the HR Community I didn’t realize I desperately needed and I’m a better HR practitioner and human because of this community.

I am convinced there are forces of nature that keep the universe spinning on its axis; community is one of those forces. As a Latina, we’re born into a culture where community is the only thing keeping your world spinning, and it’s the most valued piece of our culture.

Below are just some of the people making up the force of nature we call the Human Resources Community…people that make me think “Hell yeah, that's Human FREAKING Resources in action.” I’m honored and excited to present to you the August 2023 HR Carnival!

Atentamente, Kayla

To celebrate Let There Be HR hosting the August 2023 HR Carnival, use code CARNIVAL for 15% off all products including HR Toolkits & Resources, and the HR Merch Store!

If you are interested in receiving the monthly call for posts email from the Carnival, you can email Robin at and you can read more about the Carnival here:

Kayla Moncayo